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FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/C2 LADER

192 bytes added, 15:38, 13 December 2006
Description: added effect for NPC.
The coordinates specify the end-point of the ladder; the current position of the character is used as the start point. The ID of the walkmesh triangle must be specified; this is the triangle the character will step onto after reaching the end point of the ladder. The '''K''' value specifies the keys used to move the character across the ladder; keys outside the range found in the table will cause unpredictable behaviour. The animation ID specifies an offset into the field object's animation list; this animation is played at the speed specified by '''S''' whilst the character climbs. Finally, the '''D''' argument is a direction value in the game's standard direction format, which orients the character on the ladder.
=== Notes ===
This opcode is used as part of the character's entity, rather than in a seperate entity, as with a [[FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/D0 LINE|LINE]]. A LINE is used to set the start point of the ladder on the walkmesh. When this LINE is crossed by the player, a script in the LINE then uses a [[FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/04 PREQ|PREQ]] (or one of its variants), calling the script in the party leader that defines the LADER, causing the character to switch to 'climbing mode'.
To set up a two-way ladder, two LINEs are used at either end, with different values for the LADER arguments, such as differing end points.
If this opcode is used as part of a non-playable character entity, the NPC object will automatically climb from the start to the end point without need for player interaction.
==== Key IDs ====

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