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FF7/PSX/Sound/AKAO sequence

305 bytes removed, 22:24, 31 October 2020
no edit summary
=== Header (size: 16 bytes) ===
struct AkaoHeaderAkaoSeqHeader
static const uint8_t magic[4]; // "AKAO" C-string
uint16_t length; // data length - sizeof(header)
uint16_t reverb_type; // reverb type (range from 0 to 9)
struct AkaoTimeStamp timestamp; // creation time }; struct AkaoTimeStamp { uint8_t year_bcd; // year (in binary coded decimal) uint8_t month_bcd; // month (in binary coded decimal, between 0x01 - 0x12) uint8_t day_bcd; // day (in binary coded decimal, between 0x01 - 0x31) uint8_t hours_bcd; // hours (in binary coded decimal, between 0x00 - 0x23) uint8_t minutes_bcd; // minutes (in binary coded decimal, between 0x00 - 0x59) uint8_t seconds_bcd; // seconds (in binary coded decimal, between 0x00 - 0x59) } timestamp;
uint32_t mask; // represents bitmask of used channels in this song
uint32_t uint16_t start_offsets[num_channels]; // offsets to channel opcode data
int num_channels = 0;
while (int bit = 0; bit < 24; bit++) if ((info.mask & 0xFFFFFF) & (1 << bit)) != 0; bit++) num_channels++;
First there is 32-bit number (offset 0x10), which represents bitmask of used channels in this song.
After this bitmask, there is <channels count> offsets to channel opcode data counting from current offset. Each offsets is a relative offset based on the address *next to* the offset itself. (This is a general rule for early versions of AKAO to interpret relative offsets.)
=== Channel Commands [AKAO Opcodes] ===
The table consists of a repetition of 5-byte items.
struct AkaoDrumNoteAttrAkaoDrumKeyAttr
uint8_t instrument; // corresponding to opcode 0xA1
|Load Instrument
|instrument: byte(0-127)
|Vibrato (Channel Pitch LFO (Vibrato)
|delay: byte, rate: byte, type: byte (0-15)
|When <code>rate</code> is 0, it will be translated to 256 ticks.
The interpretation of the first parameter may change to depth depending on 0xF3.
|Channel Pitch LFO Vibrato Depth
|depth: byte
|Turn Off Channel Pitch LFOVibrato
|Tremolo (Channel Volume LFO (Tremolo)
|delay: byte, rate: byte, type: byte (0-15)
|When <code>rate</code> is 0, it will be translated to 256 ticks.
The interpretation of the first parameter may change to depth depending on 0xF3.
|Channel Volume LFO Tremolo Depth
|depth: byte
|Turn Off Channel Volume LFOTremolo
|Channel Pitch LFO Vibrato Depth Slide
|length: byte, depth: byte
|Channel Volume LFO Tremolo Depth Slide
|length: byte, depth: byte
|Use No Delay for Channel Pitch/Volume LFOUnknown
|Specific to FF7. This instruction changes the interpretation of the 0xB4 and 0xB8 parameters. There is no actual use in music.
|Overlay Volume Balance of Overlay Voice
|balance: byte (0-127)
|Overlay Volume Balance Slide of Overlay Voice
|length: byte, balance: byte (0-127)
|Measure Number
|23|measure: byteshort

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