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40 bytes added, 16:34, 17 September 2007
no edit summary
8008326C [] windows parent entity (size 0x01).
80083274 [][][][] windows data (size 0x30). Pointer to dialog string.
80083278 [][] windows data (size 0x30). WINDOW x.
8008327A [][] windows data (size 0x30). WINDOW y.
8008327C [][] windows data (size 0x30). WINDOW width.
8008327E [][] windows data (size 0x30). WINDOW height.
80083280 [][] windows data (size 0x30). WINDOW current width. Set during dialog init (width / 4) (8 - min value).
 80083282 [][] windows data (size 0x30). WINDOW current height. Set during dialog init (height / 4) (8 - min value). 
80083284 [][] windows data (size 0x30). Text scrolling value.
80083286 [][] windows data (size 0x30). Letters in window string.
80083288 [][] windows data (size 0x30). Bytes in window string.
8008328A [][] windows data (size 0x30). Current row in string. Incremented during copy.
8008328C []
8008328D [] windows data (size 0x30). WMODE style.
8008328E [] windows data (size 0x30). Show pointer.
8008328F [] windows data (size 0x30). WSPCL type.
80083290 []
80083291 [] windows data (size 0x30). WNUMB number of digits in number.
80083292 [][]
80083294 [][][][] windows data (size 0x30). WNUMB number.
80083298 [][] windows data (size 0x30). Pointer X.
8008329A [][] windows data (size 0x30). Pointer Y.
8008329C [] windows data (size 0x30). WSPCL x.
8008329D []
8008329E [] windows data (size 0x30). WSPCL y.
8008329F []
800832A0 [][] windows data (size 0x30). window state.
800832A2 [] windows data (size 0x30). WMODE cbc.
800832A3 []
8009C6E4 savemap start
8009C748 savemap character name data (Cloud).
8009D268 [][][][] savemap seconds for timer (set in STTIM).
8009D288 savemap memory bank 1/2 start
8009D391 [][][] savemap party info.
8009D7D0 [] savemap message speed.
800E4214 memory bank array for getting variable for windows. 8 for each window. (size 0x8 0x1)
800E4234 reading offsets in dialog in field. One for each window. (size 0x4).
800E424C total window height. Height of window with extra rows. Set this during B state in window as 8008328A (current row) * 10 + 11. (size 0x2).
800E4278 [][] name reading offset for dialog windows. (size 0x2).
800E4280 [][] current variable for windows. (size 0x2).
800E4944 text for windows to diaplay. (size 0x100)
800E4D48 offsets for getting variable from memory block for windows. 8 for each window. (size 0x10 0x2)
80114470 [][] field dialog value which content value how mush characters add at current character copy. (size 0x08 0x2).
80114480 [][] field dialog OK button speed modificator. (size 0x08 0x2).
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