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FF7/Kernel/Memory management

3 bytes removed, 07:19, 10 March 2005
RAM management
No matter what module is banked into memory, there is a section of memory 4,340 bytes long (0x10F4 bytes) that is reserved for all the variables for the entire game. This entire image is called the "[[FF7/Save map|Save map]]". When it's time to save a game, this section of memory is copied to non-volatile ram, such as a hard disk or memory card.
Within the [[FF7/Save mapSavemap|Save mapSavemap]] there are 5 banks of memory that are directly accessible by the [[FF7/Field script|field scripting language]]. These can either be accessed 8 bits or 16 bits at a time depending on the field command argument. The following table is basic memory map of the banks and how they relate to the [[FF7/Save mapSavemap|Save mapSavemap]]. There is also an allocation for 256 bytes for temporary field variables. These are not used between field files and are not saved.
A more complete and annotated save map is in the MENU section.
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