FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/E1 BGOFF

From Final Fantasy Inside
< FF7‎ | Field‎ | Script‎ | Opcodes
  • Opcode: 0xE1
  • Short name: BGOFF
  • Long name: Background Off

Memory layout

0xE1 B1 / B2 A L


  • const Bit[4] B1: Bank to retrieve A, or zero if A is specified as a literal.
  • const Bit[4] B2: Bank to retrieve L, or zero if L is specified as a literal.
  • const UByte A: The ID of the background area to manipulate, as specified in the background's sprite.
  • const UByte L: The ID of the layer of L to hide (turn off), as specified in the background's sprite.


Similar to BGON, only this opcode turns off the portion of background whose background sprite specifies it as belonging to the scripted area and layer specified.