

From Final Fantasy Inside

FF7/PSX/Sound/AKAO sequence

495 bytes added, 05:06, 30 May 2020
Add timestamp field to AKAO header
struct AkaoHeader
static const uint8_t magic[4]; // "AKAO" C-string aka frame *MAGIC* uint16_t id; // frame ID, used for playing sequence uint16_t length; // frame length - sizeof(header) uint16_t reverb_type; // reverb type (range from 0 to 9) uint8_t unknown[6]struct AkaoTimeStamp timestamp; // some numbers, can't find their usage
struct AkaoTimeStamp
uint8_t year_bcd; // year (in binary coded decimal)
uint8_t month_bcd; // month (in binary coded decimal, between 0x01 - 0x12)
uint8_t day_bcd; // day (in binary coded decimal, between 0x01 - 0x31)
uint8_t hours_bcd; // hours (in binary coded decimal, between 0x00 - 0x23)
uint8_t minutes_bcd; // minutes (in binary coded decimal, between 0x00 - 0x59)
uint8_t seconds_bcd; // seconds (in binary coded decimal, between 0x00 - 0x59)
=== Channel info (size: 4 bytes + 2 bytes * <channels count>) ===