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FF7/Battle/Battle Animation/Animation Script

433 bytes added, 23:26, 20 August 2014
no edit summary
| 91
| byte
| After a [byte] frame delay, do ???
| 92
| D6
| byte
| Only used on Motor Ball's "Twin Burner"Delay for [byte] frames, then do ??? (similar to 91, but does something else)
| D7
| byte, byte
|After [byte0] delay, play sound [byte1] (only used with Grangalan and probably deprecated in favor of D8)
| D8
| byte, word
|After [byte] delay, play sound [word]
| D9
| DA
| byte
|Set animation index to [byte] and force command to be magic (UNUSED)
| DB
| word, byte, byte
|Like A6 without the first byte (UNUSED)
| DC
| byte, word
|Set some value with [byte] as an index (0-1 inclusive) to [word] (Eagle Gun is the only one that uses this)
| DD
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