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FF7/WorldMap Module

535 bytes added, 21:57, 12 September 2021
| Index of vertex 2 of triangle t
| ''5 bits(lowest)''
| ''Walkmap status of triangle t (see below)''
| ''3 bits''
| ''Unknown, probably Mesh function ID to trigger when this triangle is stepped on.<br>Values 0-2 mean no script relatedis attached to this triangle.<br>For values 3+ subtract 3 from this value and this will give you the mesh function ID to trigger.''
| 1 byte
| Coordinate v in texture for vertex 2
| ''9 bits(lowest)''
| ''Texture (see below)''
| ''7 bits''
| ''Location (message ID that will be displayed in the menu menus and savegames)''
uint8 Vertex2Index;
''uint8 WalkabilityInfo:5;''
''uint8 UnknownMeshFuncId:3;''
uint8 uVertex0, vVertex0;
uint8 uVertex1, vVertex1;
The lower 9 bits contain a texture number (0-511, but only 0-281
appear to be used). The text files ''Unfortunately, knowing which texture to use is not enough, the UV coordinates found in the Reeve download show how eachnumber maps to one mesh data are (or morepresumably) the original PSX VRAM coordinates, so to get the real coordinates you must subtract a texture-specific offset from each of the UV pairs.TEX files within WORLD_US.LGP (see also A complete table with every texture, its original size and offsets can be found [[FF7/LGP format WorldMap Module/TextureTable| LGP Archiveshere]]).The upper bits have something to do Sometimes you will end up with negative values after subtracting the offsets, this is normal, the texture coordinate mappingshould be assumed to repeat itself indefinitely in all directions.''

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