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FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/08 JOIN

244 bytes added, 00:08, 18 August 2006
==== Description ====
Causes seperated party characters that have previously been [[FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/09 SPLIT|SPLIT]] onto the field, to be joined back together again; that is, only the party leader becomes visible on the field. This should be called if a previous SPLIT has completed (the party members have finished speaking, or performing their actions, for example). As with SPLIT, the speed of the join is specified, from a scale of 1 (almost instant) to FF (very slow walk), and must be non-zero. Calling JOIN without having previously SPLIT the characters will cause the party members to appear at the walkmesh origin and attempt to JOIN from there. This is not normally the required behaviour and should be avoided.

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