Difference between revisions of "FF7/Battle/Battle scenes"

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(Added useful downloads)
m (Added Scene Tools to useful downloads)
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*[http://elentor.com/Projetos/FF7-Tools/Extracting/SceneReader.zip Scene Explorer] - extracting/compressing tool
*[http://elentor.com/Projetos/FF7-Tools/Extracting/SceneReader.zip Scene Explorer] - extracting/compressing tool
*[http://elentor.com/Projetos/FF7-Tools/Extracting/scene_editor.rar Scene Tools] - Command line tools for extracting and compressing scene.bin
*[http://elentor.com/Projetos/FF7-Tools/Editors/SceneEdit.zip Scene Edit] - enemy data editor
*[http://elentor.com/Projetos/FF7-Tools/Editors/SceneEdit.zip Scene Edit] - enemy data editor

Revision as of 03:37, 20 July 2005


FF7 keeps each enemy battle configuration is a file called "scene.bin" This file is located in the following directories.

PSX Version PC Version

This file is exactly the same in both versions. This holds all the battle configurations for all enemies encountered in the game.

Scene.Bin file format by Fremen, Terence Fergusson and M4v3R


The scene.bin file contains 256 gziped files which give us information for all the FF7 monsters. In order to find these files in scene.bin, you have to know that the file is structured with blocks exactly 0x2000 bytes in length. In the first table (scene.bin block), you will see what contains a block. Blocks are concatenated with each other to form the scene.bin file. So if you want to extract data from scene.bin, you'll need to find the correct blocks and to extract the gziped files from it. After that you simply ungzip those files and you'll find 256 files, with a length is 7808 bytes. Known information about those files can be found in the second table (The Data File specification). Because extracting file manually would be a pain, several tools was developed in order to help you. You can use SceneExplorer for example, it's a win32 tool to extract and repack scene.bin archive.

We have 1024 possible battle numbers: 0 - 1023. Each group of *4* Battle Numbers refers to a particular Scene file: for instance, Battles 0-3 refer to File 0 in Scene.bin, Battles 4-7 refer to File 1 in Scene.bin, and so forth.

General file format

Offset Length Description
0x0000 4 bytes Pointer to first data file. You must multiply it by 4 to get actual data file offset. If the pointer is equal to FFFFFFFFh then it means that the end of block has been reached.
0x0004 4 bytes Pointer to second data file. You must multiply it by 4 to get actual data file offset. If the pointer is equal to FFFFFFFFh then it means that the end of block has been reached.
0x003C 4 bytes Last pointer, usually it equal FFFFFFFFh.
0x0040 4 * (pointer2 - pointer1) bytes First data file in block. It's a gziped file.
Note: Sometimes it may finish by 0xFF bytes, because its size must be multiple of 4.
pointer2 * 4 4 * (pointer3 - pointer2) bytes Second data file in block. It's a gziped file.
Note: Sometimes it may finish by 0xFF bytes, because its size must be multiple of 4.
lastpointer * 4 4 * (2000h - lastpointer) bytes Last data file in block.
Note: There are about 6 to 12 files in each block. Each block finishes by 0xFF bytes, because its length must be 2000h (8192d) bytes.

Data file format

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Enemy ID 1
0x0002 2 bytes Enemy ID 2
0x0004 2 bytes Enemy ID 3
0x0006 2 bytes Padding (always FFFFh)
0x0008 4 * 20 bytes Battle Setup 1 (4 records) (format explaination)
0x0058 4 * 48 bytes Battle Setup 2 (4 records)
0x0118 6 * 16 bytes Battle Formation 1 (6 records)
0x0178 6 * 16 bytes Battle Formation 2 (6 records)
0x01E8 6 * 16 bytes Battle Formation 3 (6 records)
0x0238 6 * 16 bytes Battle Formation 4 (6 records)
0x0298 184 bytes Enemy Data 1 (format explaination)
0x0350 184 bytes Enemy Data 2
0x0408 184 bytes Enemy Data 3
0x04C0 32 * 28 bytes Attack Data (32 records)
0x0840 32 * 2 bytes Attack IDs (32 records)
0x0880 32 * 32 bytes Attack Names (32 records, in FF Text format
0x0C80 512 bytes FFh Padding
0x0E80 2 bytes Enemy 1 AI Offset
0x0E82 2 bytes Enemy 2 AI Offset
0x0E84 2 bytes Enemy 3 AI Offset
0x0E86 varies Beginning of AI Data (format explaination)

Battle Setup 1 format

Offset Length Description
0x0000 2 bytes Battle location, as follows:
0000h : Blank
0001h : Bizarro Battle - Center
0002h : Grassland
0003h : Mt Nibel
0004h : Forest
0005h : Beach
0006h : Desert
0007h : Snow
0008h : Swamp
0009h : Sector 1 Train Station
000Ah : Reactor 1
000Bh : Reactor 1 Core
000Ch : Reactor 1 Entrance
000Dh : Sector 4 Subway
000Eh : Nibel Caves or AForest Caves
000Fh : Shinra HQ
0010h : Midgar Raid Subway
0011h : Hojo's Lab
0012h : Shinra Elevators
0013h : Shinra Roof
0014h : Midgar Highway
0015h : Wutai Pagoda
0016h : Church
0017h : Coral Valley
0018h : Midgar Slums
0019h : Sector 4 Corridors or Junon Path
001Ah : Sector 4 Gantries or Midgar Underground
001Bh : Sector 7 Support Pillar Stairway
001Ch : Sector 7 Support Pillar Top
001Dh : Sector 8
001Eh : Sewers
001Fh : Mythril Mines
0020h : Northern Crater - Floating Platforms
0021h : Corel Mountain Path
0022h : Junon Beach
0023h : Junon Cargo Ship
0024h : Corel Prison
0025h : Battle Square
0026h : Da Chao - Rapps Battle
0027h : Cid's Backyard
0028h : Final Descent to Sephiroth
0029h : Reactor 5 Entrance
002Ah : Temple of the Ancients - Escher Room
002Bh : Shinra Mansion
002Ch : Junon Airship Dock
002Dh : Whirlwind Maze
002Eh : Junon Underwater Reactor
002Fh : Gongaga Reactor
0030h : Gelnika
0031h : Train Graveyard
0032h : Great Glacier Ice Caves & Gaea Cliffs - Inside
0033h : Sister Ray
0034h : Sister Ray Base
0035h : Forgotten City Altar
0036h : Northern Crater - Initial Descent
0037h : Northern Crater - Hatchery
0038h : Northern Crater - Water Area
0039h : Safer Battle
003Ah : Kalm Flashback - Dragon Battle
003Bh : Junon Underwater Pipe
003Ch : Blank
003Dh : Corel Railway - Canyon
003Eh : Whirlwind Maze - Crater
003Fh : Corel Railway - Rollercoaster
0040h : Wooden Bridge
0041h : Da Chao
0042h : Fort Condor
0043h : Dirt Wasteland
0044h : Bizarro Battle - Right Side
0045h : Bizarro Battle - Left Side
0046h : Jenova*SYNTHESIS Battle
0047h : Corel Train Battle
0048h : Cosmo Canyon
0049h : Caverns of the Gi
004Ah : Nibelheim Mansion Basement
004Bh : Temple of the Ancients - Demons Gate
004Ch : Temple of the Ancients - Mural Room
004Dh : Temple of the Ancients - Clock Passage
004Eh : Final Battle - Sephiroth
004Fh : Jungle
0050h : Ultimate Weapon - Battle on Highwind
0051h : Corel Reactor
0052h : Unused
0053h : Don Corneo's Mansion
0054h : Emerald Weapon Battle
0055h : Reactor 5
0056h : Shinra HQ - Escape
0057h : Ultimate Weapon - Gongaga Reactor
0058h : Corel Prison - Dyne Battle
0059h : Ultimate Weapon - Forest
0x0002 14 bytes Unknown

Enemy data format

Offset Length Description
0x0000 32 bytes Enemy's name (completed by FFh bytes)
0x0020 1 byte Enemy's level
0x0021 1 byte Enemy's speed
0x0022 1 byte Enemy's luck
0x0023 1 byte Enemy's evade
0x0024 1 byte Enemy's strength
0x0025 1 byte Enemy's defense
0x0026 1 byte Enemy's magic
0x0027 1 byte Enemy's magic defense
0x0028 8 bytes Element types (8 records):
00h - Fire
01h - Ice
02h - Bolt
03h - Earth
04h - Bio
05h - Gravity
06h - Water
07h - Wind
08h - Scare
09h - Health
0Ah - Cut
0Bh - Hit
0Ch - Punch
0Dh - Shoot
0Eh - Scream
FFh - No element
0x0030 8 bytes Element rates for elements above, respectively (8 records):
00h - Death
02h - Double Damage
04h - Half Damage
05h - Nullify Damage
06h - Absorb 100%
07h - Full Cure
FFh - Nothing
0x0038 16 bytes Unknown data
0x0048 16 bytes Enemy Attack ID's (2 bytes each)
0x0058 48 bytes Unknown data
0x0088 4 bytes Item drop/steal rates.
These are chances to get items listed in next section. 1 byte per item. If the rate is lower than 80h, for e.g. 08h - then this is a drop item and has 8/63 [63 is max] chance for drop. But if rate is higher than 80h, let's say... A0h, then this is an item for steal, and chances for successful steal is A0h - 80h = 20h = 32/63.
0x008C 8 bytes This is a list of Item ID's which are described above. 2 bytes per item. FFFFh means no item.
0x0091 12 bytes Unknown data
0x009D 2 bytes Enemy's MP
0x009F 2 bytes AP points you receive when you win the battle
0x00A1 2 bytes Enemy can be morphed into this item. FFFFh if it can't be morphed into anything.
0x00A3 2 bytes Unknown, usually 10h or FFh
0x00A5 4 bytes Enemy's HP
0x00A9 4 bytes Exp points you receive when you win the battle
0x00AD 4 bytes Gil you receive when you win the battle
0x00B1 8 bytes Unknown

AI Data

This section contains Battle Script that is executed before or/and during every fight. Every enemy has it's own script, and this script is sometimes divided to several sections. Each enemy's AI data begins with 32 bytes that describes sections of this enemy AI data. Each section has it's 2 byte ID here and FFh means no section. After that, battle script follows. It's structure and opcodes are described here.

Useful downloads

There are few programs written that will help you edit scene.bin file: