FF8/FileFormat DAT

From Final Fantasy Inside
< FF8
Revision as of 00:33, 19 February 2011 by my_wiki>Myst6re

By Mirex, JWP and myst6re.



DAT file is divided into 11 sections (except for c0m127.dat, which contains only 2 sections : 7th and 8th).

Offset Length Description
0 4 bytes Number of sections (always =11, except for c0m127.dat)
4 nbSections * 4 bytes Section Positions
4 + nbSections * 4 4 bytes File size

Section 1: Skeleton

Offset Length Description
0 2 bytes Number of bones
2 14 bytes Unknown
16 Number of bones * 48 bytes Bones

Bone struct

Offset Length Description
0 2 bytes Parent id
2 2 bytes Bone size
4 44 bytes Unknown (often empty)

Section 2: Model geometry

Header (data sub table)

Offset Length Description
0 4 bytes Number of objects
4 nbObjects * 4 bytes Object Positions

Object Data

Offset Length Description
0 2 bytes Number of Vertices Data
2 Varies * NbVerticesData Vertices Data
Varies absolutePosition % 4 Padding (0x00)
Varies 2 bytes Num triangles
Varies 2 bytes Num quads
Varies 8 bytes Padding (0x00)
Varies numTriangles * 16 bytes Triangles
Varies numQuads * 20 bytes Quads
Varies 4 bytes Total number of vertices (may be not visible)

Vertice Data

Offset Length Description
0 2 bytes Bone id
2 2 bytes Number of vertices
4 nbVertices * 6 bytes Vertices (nbVertices * 3 shorts)

Useful structures

typedef struct {
     sint16	x, y, z;
} vertice;

(sizeof = 6)

typedef struct {
     uint16	vertex_indexes[3];
     uint8	texCoords1[2];
     uint8	texCoords2[2];
     uint16	textureID_related;
     uint8	texCoords3[2];
     uint16	u; // textureID_related2
} triangle;

(sizeof = 16)

typedef struct {
     uint16	vertex_indexes[4];
     uint8	texCoords1[2];
     uint16	textureID_related;
     uint8	texCoords2[2];
     uint16	u; // textureID_related2
     uint8	texCoords3[2];
     uint8	texCoords4[2];
} quad;

(sizeof = 20)

Section 3: Model animation

Header (data sub table)

Offset Length Description
0 4 bytes Number of animations
4 nbAnimations * 4 bytes Animations Positions


Offset Length Description
0 1 byte Number of frames
1 Varies Unknown

Section 4: Unknown

Optionnal section, often empty.

Section 5: Unknown

Unknown sequences.


Offset Length Description
0 2 bytes Number of sequences
2 nbSequences * 2 bytes Sequences Positions

Section 6: unknown

Can be empty.

Section 7: Informations & stats

Offset Length Description
0 24 bytes Monster name
24 4 bytes HP values
28 4 bytes Str values
32 4 bytes Mag values
36 4 bytes Vit values
40 4 bytes Spr values
44 4 bytes Spd values
48 4 bytes Eva values
52 16*4 bytes Abilities, low level
116 16*4 bytes Abilities, med level
180 16*4 bytes Abilities, high level
244 1 byte Med level start
245 1 byte High level start
246 1 byte Unknown (flags, 3 bits used)
247 1 byte [LSB] Zombie / Fly / zz1 / zz2 / zz3 / Auto-Reflect / Auto-Shell / Auto-Protect [MSB]
248 3 bytes Cards (low/med/high)
251 3 bytes Devour (low/med/high)
254 1 byte [LSB] zz1 / zz2 / unused / unused / unused / unused / Diablos missed / Always obtains card [MSB]
255 1 byte Unknown (flags, 4 bits used)
256 2 bytes Extra EXP
258 2 bytes EXP
260 8 bytes Draw (low)
268 8 bytes Draw (med)
276 8 bytes Draw (high)
284 8 bytes Mug (low)
292 8 bytes Mug (med)
300 8 bytes Mug (high)
308 8 bytes Drop (low)
316 8 bytes Drop (med)
324 8 bytes Drop (high)
332 1 byte Mug rate
333 1 byte Drop rate
334 1 byte Padding (0x00)
335 1 byte APs
336 16 bytes Unknown
352 8 bytes Elemental resistance
(Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Poison, Wind, Water, Holy)
360 20 bytes Mental resistance

(Death, Poison, Petrify, Darkness,
Silence, Beserk, Zombie, Sleep,
Haste, Slow, Stop, Regen,
Reflect, Doom, Slow Petrify, Float,
Confuse, Drain, Expulsion, ???)


typedef struct {
    uint8 kernel_id;
    uint8 unknown;
    uint16 ability_id;

kernel_id is the used table in kernel.bin. May be 0x02 (= magic), 0x04 (= item) or 0x08 (= monster ability). ability_id is the ability in the selected kernel table.


typedef struct {
    uint8 id_1; // magic_id for draw, item_id for mug & drop
    uint8 qty_1; // quantities are always 0 for draw
    uint8 id_2;
    uint8 qty_2;
    uint8 id_3;
    uint8 qty_3;
    uint8 id_4;
    uint8 qty_4;

Section 8: Battle scripts/AI

Section 9: Sounds

Contains AKAO sequences (can be empty).

Offset Length Description
0 2 bytes Number of AKAOs
2 nbAKAOs * 2 bytes AKAOs Positions
2 + nbAKAOs * 2 2 bytes End of section 9
4 + nbAKAOs * 2 Varies * nbAKAOs AKAOs

Section 10: Sounds/Unknown

Contains AKAO sequence + unknown data (can be empty).

Section 11: Textures

Contains some TIMs with size 128x128 (8bit paletized).

Offset Length Description
0 4 bytes Number of TIMs
4 nbTIMs * 4 bytes TIMs Positions
4 + nbTIMs * 4 4 bytes End of file
8 + nbTIMs * 4 Varies * nbTIMs TIMs