

From Final Fantasy Inside


No change in size, 20:29, 15 January 2015
File Structure
| Battle scenario. The value here corresponds to the number in the a0stg???.x files (into battle.fs file). You have to convert it to hex
| ! align="left" | 0x01
| 1
| Refers to some battle aspects and it works like 8 binary switches (see below)
| ! align="left" | 0x02
| 1
| Still don't know, but I suspect that it has something to do with camera movement. If you set it to 0xFF camera will always be fixed
| ! align="left" | 0x03
| 1
| unkonwn
| Loaded enemies. Show the enemies that are been actually fought. Loaded enemies will attack you.
| ! align="left" | 0x06! | 1
| Targetable enemies. Show the enemies which will apear in the target window. Careful with this, if you put untargetable enemies battle will never end. (see "enemy switches" too)
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