FF7/Field/Script/Opcodes/74 GETPC

From Final Fantasy Inside
< FF7‎ | Field‎ | Script‎ | Opcodes
  • Opcode: 0x74
  • Short name: GETPC
  • Long name: Get Party Character

Memory layout

0x74 B C A


  • const UByte B: Bank to store the value.
  • const UByte C: Character offset in the party whose value should be retrieved.
  • const UByte A: Address to store the value.


Gets the standard Character ID for the party member, referenced by C. This value is between 0 and 2; 0 for the party member at the top of the list, 1 for the member in the middle, and 2 for the member in the bottom slot, as found in the main menu. The character ID is then placed at the specified bank and address.