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1,585 bytes added, 07:33, 25 November 2006
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To understand how the data is organized for Final Fantasy 1, you must first understand how the original NES operated.

The NES had a 6502 microprocessor, this gave the system a maximum of 65,536 bytes, or 64K of addressable memory. At the time, RAM was very expensive, costing upwardly of one dollar per kilobyte of storage. When Nintendo created the original NES, the game slot plugged in 32K of ROM, split into two sections of 16K each. As games grew, "mapping" technologies allowed the top half of 16K to be swapped out for other sections of 16K ROM.

FF1 uses this technology to organize it's ROM. The game is split into 16 banks of 16K each. (This means the whole game is 256K in size.)

A typical NES ROM downloaded from the Internet almost always has a 10 byte header at the beginning. For our purposes, this data is going to be thrown away. This is for two reasons.

1)This document assumes you have an original ROM dump and not something downloaded.
2)It messes up bank boundaries and offsets by 10 bytes, making it harder to point to data

The following below is a map Of the ROM.

ROM map:
Bank 00 - Inital values
Bank 01 - Overworld map and decompresser
Bank 02 - Overworld Graphics/sprites
Bank 03 - Town/Dungeon graphics
Bank 04 - Town/Dungeon maps and decompresser
Bank 05 - Code
Bank 06 - Code
Bank 07 - Battle Graphics (Overworld)
Bank 08 - Battle Graphics (Dungeon)
Bank 09 - Shop/menu text/character battle/minimap
Bank 0A - Dialog
Bank 0B - Bridge Crossing/Ending Event
Bank 0C - Armor/weapon data
Bank 0D - Code + Crystal graphics.
Bank 0E - Code
Bank 0F - Kernel
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