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16 bytes removed, 20:06, 4 March 2010
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u16 model_id; // ID of the model
byte unknown[2];
u32 offset_skeleton; // Offset to the skeleton data sectionparts, bones and animations of the model
byte unknown[15];
byte num_bones; // Number of bones in the model's skeleton
Then, for each model, we have basic informations about the parts, bones and animations :
So, for each model, we have :
// Bones (if num_bones > 0)
u16 offset_control; // Relative offset to ?
u16 buffer_size; // Relative offset to ?
u32 offset_vertex; // Offset to part skeleton datasection
u32 offset_prec; // Offset to ?
u16 offset_static_translation; // Relative offset to statis translation frames
u16 offset_frames_rotation; // Relative offset to rotation frames
u32 offset_data; // Offset to animation datasection

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