

From Final Fantasy Inside


1,113 bytes added, 01:25, 6 October 2011
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Damage Function 0x1
===Damage Calculations===
For standard damage functions
:Sets Target's 02h flag to 1. (Unknown effect)
:If Attack is set as "Always critical" then make damage physical type
:x = Attacker's level * attacker's damage stat (depending on physical or magic type)
:x = (x + Attacker's level AND 31) >> 5
:y = Attacker's level + attacker's damage stat (depending on physical or magic type)
:y = (y + Attacker's level AND 31) >> 5
:z = attacker's damage stat + (x * y)
:z = z * ( 512 - target's defense ) * attack's power
:Damage = z / 16
:If attack is Berserk and Attack is Physical: Damage = Damage * 3 / 2
:If target is in Confu status, set target to un-confuse
:If target is in Fury, Damage = Damage / 2
:If attack is back-attack attack: Damage = Damage * (back attack modifier / 8)
:If attacker is in Frog: Damage = Damage / 4
:If target is in Sadness: Damage = Damage - (Damage * 3 / 10)
:"Split Damage" -pending
:If target has barrier appropriate to attack: Damage = Damage / 2
:Damage = Damage * (0x5DE8BF / 100)?
:If Attack is Small: Damage = 0
:Damage = Max( Damage * [3841..4096] / 4096 , 1 )
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