

From Final Fantasy Inside


1 byte removed, 17:14, 14 August 2012
Models section
struct StrModelHeader {
u32 psx_memory; // Memory adress address to load the section into, maybe ?
u32 num_models; // Number of models.
u32 texture_pointer; // Pointer to texture data.
u32 unknown_pointer; // Pointer to something. We copy enviroment environment settings for models to where it points.
struct StrModel {
u16 model_id; // ID of the model
u16 scale; // (12 bix bit fixed point)
u32 offset_skeleton; // Offset to the parts, bones and animations of the model
byte r, g, b;
byte unknown;
byte r1, g1, b1;
byte num_bones; // Additionnal Additional number of bones in the model's skeleton
byte unknown[6];
byte index_parts; // Start index of parts
byte unknown;
byte r2, g2, b2;
byte num_parts; // Additionnal Additional number of parts in the model's skeleton
byte unknown[6];
byte index_animations; // Start index of animations
byte unknown;
byte r3, g3, b3;
byte num_animations; // Additionnal Additional number of animations
} // sizeof = 48
byte num_frames_rotation; // Number of rotation frames
u16 offset_frames_translation; // Relative offset to translation frames
u16 offset_static_translation; // Relative offset to statis static translation frames
u16 offset_frames_rotation; // Relative offset to rotation frames
u32 offset_data; // Offset to animation data section
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