

From Final Fantasy Inside


209 bytes removed, 02:29, 28 June 2015
Models Section
u32 num_models; // Number of models.
u32 texture_pointer; // Pointer to texture data.
u32 unknown_pointerbuffer_size; // "Pointer Total buffer_size to something. We copy environment settings for models to where it points."reserve (see notes below)
[Edit by Lazy Bastard]Notes: Actually, it looks like "unknown_pointer" above The buffer_size formula is the addition of buffer size for model texturessizes of models. When adding<br />To calculate a new model buffer size, you need to a field, or increasing a modeladd every part's partsbuffer_size together (see StrPart structure), the last one or two models in the field will likely begin havingtexture problems. Increasing this value fixes these problems. Even without adding a new model or new parts, decreasing this value causes new model texture problemsthen do: 2 * (16 * bone_count + parts_buffer_size).
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