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FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes/013 PSHAC

435 bytes added, 23:46, 18 January 2014
Created page with "* Opcode: '''0x013''' * Short name: '''PSHAC''' * Long name: Push actor code??? ==== Argument ==== ID of the entity to reference ==== Stack ==== none ==== Description ===..."
* Opcode: '''0x013'''
* Short name: '''PSHAC'''
* Long name: Push actor code???

==== Argument ====

ID of the entity to reference

==== Stack ====


==== Description ====

Push the entity ID of an actor onto the stack. This is always used before a call to [[FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes/090_CTURN|CTURN]] to set which character will be faced. IDK what happens when you try to use literals for CTURN or why this function is necessary.
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