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FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes/069 BATTLE

663 bytes added, 13:24, 18 January 2014
Created page with "* Opcode: '''0x069''' * Short name: '''BATTLE''' * Long name: Start a battle ==== Argument ==== none ==== Stack ==== :''Encounter ID'' :''Battle Flags'' :'''BATTLE''' ====..."
* Opcode: '''0x069'''
* Short name: '''BATTLE'''
* Long name: Start a battle

==== Argument ====


==== Stack ====
:''Encounter ID''
:''Battle Flags''

==== Description ====

Begin a battle with the given encounter id.

====Battle Flags====
:+0: Regular battle.
:+1: ?
:+2: Disable victory fanfare (battle music keeps playing after win/loss)
:+4: Inherit countdown timer from field.
:+8: ? (prevents items/xp from being earned when used in otherwise regular battles)
:+16: Use current music as battle music.
:+32: ?
:+64: ?
:+128: ?
:+256: ? (used exclusively when trying to board Lunatic Pandora in Esthar, maybe linked to Pandora's movement?)
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