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FF7/PSX/Sound/Code Map

5,044 bytes added, 18:03, 6 June 2020
Add AkaoPlayerTrack structure
uint16_t tick; // 0x5c: current ticks per beat
uint16_t measure; // 0x5e: current measure
struct AkaoPlayerTrack // the music player track instances exist at 0x80096608 + (N * 0x108)
uint8_t *addr; // 0x00
uint8_t *loop_addrs[4]; // 0x04
AkaoDrumKeyAttr *drum_addr; // 0x14
int16_t *vibrato_lfo_addr; // 0x18
int16_t *tremolo_lfo_addr; // 0x1C
int16_t *pan_lfo_addr; // 0x20
uint32_t overlay_voice_num; // 0x24
uint32_t alternate_voice_num; // 0x28
uint32_t master_volume; // 0x2C
uint32_t pitch_of_note; // 0x30
int32_t pitch_bend_slide_amplitude; // 0x34
uint16_t voice_effect_flags; // 0x38
uint16_t field_3A; // 0x3A
uint16_t field_3C; // 0x3C
uint16_t field_3E; // 0x3E
uint32_t field_40; // 0x40
uint32_t volume; // 0x44
int32_t volume_slope; // 0x48
int32_t pitch_bend_slope; // 0x4C
uint16_t field_50; // 0x50
uint16_t field_52; // 0x52
uint16_t field_54; // 0x54
uint8_t delta_time_counter; // 0x56
uint8_t gate_time_counter; // 0x57
uint16_t instrument; // 0x58
uint16_t field_5A; // 0x5A
uint16_t volume_slide_length_counter; // 0x5C
uint16_t overlay_balance_slide_length_counter; // 0x5E
uint16_t pan; // 0x60
uint16_t pan_slide_length; // 0x62
int16_t pitch_slide_length_counter; // 0x64
uint16_t octave; // 0x66
uint16_t pitch_slide_length; // 0x68
uint16_t previous_note_number; // 0x6A
uint16_t portamento_speed; // 0x6C
uint16_t legato_flags; // 0x6E
uint16_t field_70; // 0x70
uint16_t vibrato_lfo_delay; // 0x72
uint16_t vibrato_delay_counter; // 0x74
uint16_t vibrato_rate; // 0x76
uint16_t vibrato_rate_counter; // 0x78
uint16_t vibrato_form; // 0x7A
uint16_t vibrato_max_amplitude; // 0x7C
uint16_t vibrato_depth; // 0x7E
uint16_t vibrato_depth_slide_length_counter; // 0x80
int16_t vibrato_depth_slope; // 0x82
uint16_t field_84; // 0x84
uint16_t tremolo_delay; // 0x86
uint16_t tremolo_delay_counter; // 0x88
uint16_t tremolo_rate; // 0x8A
uint16_t tremolo_rate_counter; // 0x8C
uint16_t tremolo_form; // 0x8E
uint16_t tremolo_depth; // 0x90
uint16_t tremolo_depth_slide_length_counter; // 0x92
int16_t tremolo_depth_slope; // 0x94
uint16_t field_96; // 0x96
uint16_t pan_lfo_rate; // 0x98
uint16_t pan_lfo_rate_counter; // 0x9A
uint16_t pan_lfo_form; // 0x9C
uint16_t pan_lfo_depth; // 0x9E
uint16_t pan_lfo_depth_slide_length_counter; // 0xA0
int16_t pan_lfo_slope; // 0xA2
uint16_t noise_on_off_delay_counter; // 0xA4
uint16_t pitchmod_on_off_delay_counter; // 0xA6
uint8_t field_A8[16]; // 0xA8
uint16_t loop_layer; // 0xB8
uint16_t loop_counts[4]; // 0xBA
uint16_t previous_delta_time; // 0xC2
uint16_t forced_delta_time; // 0xC4
uint16_t overlay_balance; // 0xC6
int16_t overlay_balance_slope; // 0xC8
int16_t pan_slope; // 0xCA
int16_t transpose; // 0xCC
int16_t tuning; // 0xCE
uint16_t note; // 0xD0
int16_t pitch_slide_amount; // 0xD2
int16_t previous_transpose; // 0xD4
int16_t vibrato_lfo_amplitude; // 0xD6
int16_t tremolo_lfo_amplitude; // 0xD8
int16_t pan_lfo_amplitude; // 0xDA
AkaoSpuVoiceAttr spu_attr; // 0xDC

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