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195 bytes added, 21:47, 23 October 2008
Damage Formula's description
== Damage Formula's description ==
Prepare Function 0x0
Prepare Function 0x2
Damage Function 0x1
if current hp less then max hp / 4 then damage = damage * 2.
if attacker in death sentence then damage = damage * 2.
Prepare Function 0x2
power_modifier = total_level_of_all_enemy_target / number_of_enemy_target;.
(this only use enemy units from 4 to 10 that includes in target mask after all preparation)
Prepare Function 0x2
power_modifier = 1 + (((current_hp * 3) / max_hp) * power_modifier);.
Damage Function 0x1
Prepare Function 0x2
power_modifier = 1 + (((current_mp * 3) / max_mp) * power_modifier);.
Damage Function 0x1
Prepare Function 0x2
power_modifier = 1 + (((total_ap / 10000) * power_modifier) / 16);.
(total_ap is no more than ap needed for max star, so underwater materia won't work)
Prepare Function 0x2
power_modifier = 10 + (((number_of_kills / 128) * power_modifier) / 16).
Damage Function 0x1
Prepare Function 0x2
power_modifier = 1 + (((limit_bar_value * (limit_level + 1) / 16) * power_modifier) / 16).
Damage Function 0x1
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