

From Final Fantasy Inside


14 bytes removed, 17:11, 17 December 2007
Section 1 Header
u16 unknown1;
char nEntities; // Number of entities
char unknown2nModels; // Number of visible entitiesmodels
u16 wStringOffset; // Offset to strings
u16 nExtraOffsetsnAkaoOffsets; // Specifies the number of Akao blocks/offsets
u16 scale; // Scale of field. For move and talk calculation (9bit fixed point).
u16 unknown4[3];
char szName[8]; // Field name (never shown)
char szEntities[nEntities][8]; // Field entity names
u32 dwExtraOffsetsdwAkaoOffsets[nExtraOffsetsnAkaoOffsets]; // Akao block offsets
u16 vEntityScripts[nEntities][32]; // Entity script entry points, or more
// explicitly, subroutine offsets
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